Hello again1875
Becca's home page

My Info and shoutouts

5-4-02 pics

3/10/2002 pics

Pics from the end of '01

a variety of pics from '00 to '02

funny pics

Just pics of me messin' around

Poems from Mid-Nov '01 to Jan 25th '02

Poems from Mid-Feb to April 13th '02

Poems from April 18th through 27th '02

Poems from May 12th to June 20th '02

Guest Book (feel free to sign)

Random Things


Kayla and Me (I'm on the left and Kayla is on... why don't you figure it out)
This was taken during winter break 2001
The other pose
Kinda dark (but kayla's favorite)
Kayla and Trayc
my favorite one
Them again
"their" favorite pic
comparing end products
this was trayc right after he got hurt dirt biking, cool huh? Look up at the two pics of Trayc and Kayla... look for the scare (stitches)on his head