ANOTHER page of pics.... what can I say... have fun1646
Becca's home page

My Info and shoutouts

5-4-02 pics

3/10/2002 pics

Pics from the end of '01

a variety of pics from '00 to '02

funny pics

Just pics of me messin' around

Poems from Mid-Nov '01 to Jan 25th '02

Poems from Mid-Feb to April 13th '02

Poems from April 18th through 27th '02

Poems from May 12th to June 20th '02

Guest Book (feel free to sign)

Random Things


lol. um, ya
hahaha, guys are dumb
the average work week
lol, now that's funny
Some weird thing my sister saved
omg this is hilarious
That was me when I was a baby
juuuuuuuuuuuuuuust kidding you guys
If you have a tiny bladder.....
the true meaning of it
I want that dog
what a sad puppy (I love dogs.... NOW GET ME ANOTHER ONE!! j/k)
and we out