My Photos12025
Becca's home page

My Info and shoutouts

5-4-02 pics

3/10/2002 pics

Pics from the end of '01

a variety of pics from '00 to '02

funny pics

Just pics of me messin' around

Poems from Mid-Nov '01 to Jan 25th '02

Poems from Mid-Feb to April 13th '02

Poems from April 18th through 27th '02

Poems from May 12th to June 20th '02

Guest Book (feel free to sign)

Random Things


Um, here are my pictures? lol, I don't know what to say
What you will be seeing are pictures of me and family and then some animated cartoons and funny pics

Me with my Uncle's neighbor's dog, who is only 6 months old, lol.

Eh! What are you looking at?!?!

I'm tiny... lol... I wonder if I'll ever grow.

this was in the summer and it's a pic with my little sister, Rachael, and me. She's really pretty, isn't she (the one on the left)?

"Trying" to look cool hahaha

This was a year ago (taken with my best friend, Kayla), so it's kinda bad (she's on the right).

Me with my dog Buddy about six months ago (prolly your only chance seeing me with my glasses on, in my pjs, without any make-up and with my natural hair color)

This was the last day of 8th grade, Kayla's in the middle (white shirt) and I'm on the far right... just look for a really tan person and kinda bright shirt

This was in the summer, and I look pretty ugly cuz I'm all shiny and have a sunburn on my face :-/

already shown in "becca's home page," these are my siblings and moi

Some more of my family (with my Aunt Sharon)

Beautiful Buddy (the one David told Rachael to put my pillow on)

this was before I turned 15... i was seeing how high i could lift my leg... not high enough

Rachael decided to take a pic of Buddy and trun it into a sketch looking thing

Here's the picture without the sketch affect

Bart whistlein'

wooooops... I didn't put this here Dad, really

Homer popin' up to say hi

Homer is dancing!! wwwooowwww

He's washin' the dishes again, poor Moe

Itchy and Scratchy... I'm on the right and my best friend Kayla is on the left

A sad puppy

A sad duck

A beaver having a tantrum

Got gas? If not, go here

Bill Gate's Revolution

Whoever said this wasn't the definition of an iron man?

To the rescue!

Which one? Stop or go?
