Becca's Home Page 14304
Becca's home page

My Info and shoutouts

5-4-02 pics

3/10/2002 pics

Pics from the end of '01

a variety of pics from '00 to '02

funny pics

Just pics of me messin' around

Poems from Mid-Nov '01 to Jan 25th '02

Poems from Mid-Feb to April 13th '02

Poems from April 18th through 27th '02

Poems from May 12th to June 20th '02

Guest Book (feel free to sign)

Random Things

General Information
Hey everyone, my name is Rebecca Hicks and I'm 16 years old. The main reason I made this site is because I've always kinda wanted to have something like this.... it seemed like a cool idea and this way my friends could get to know more about me, on their own time. I hope you like what I've done with it, tell me what you think and what I should do to make it better.
Things about me
I love being involed with people all the time; my life consists of many friends and family. I'm constantly looking to meet new people because it just gives me this push that tells me, "See if you can be an as good of friend to him or her as you were to so and so." I love making people smile and giving them a reason to come to school, if for nothing else. I'm also a Christian, and I attend New Life Assembly of God (in Canyon Country, Southern California). It's not necessary to go to church, but I've been brought up in it and I've begun to love it. Serving the Lord is a big deal to me, and hopefully I will continue with this to the day that I die.
Becca's Site Will Have....
*Pictures of family and friends and of animated characters, such as the Simpsons. Plus some little joke pictures.

*Some info on me and my life and interests.

*Some of my poems

*A guestbook where you can feel free to leave me a little message :-)

How to contact me
I am frequently on the internet because, as I've said before, I love people. If you just happen to stumble onto this site, you can go ahead and contact me with these few ways:

1: e-mail me at

2: IM me on aim (or aol if that's what you have). My s/n is Becca81286 and I just got a new one which is beckythewench (lol) which I'm on the most now

3: Sometimes I go on yahoo chat, not very often though because every once in a while I just can't stand it, lol. My s/n is becky812

4: And last but not least, I recently got MSN messenger and my s/n is

I'll talk to you guys on there!!!

Go to my little sister's webpage here

Funny Websites
If you want to see some hilarious stuff on stereotypes (robots), go to this site and sit back, relax, and prepare to laugh.

If you wanna see some really uniqe "mini-videos" go to this site. It's very strange just to warn you, nothing of the norm.

My brothers and sister and me
This picture is pretty recent, it was taken at my Aunt's house in December. The tallest guy is my brother, Robert, I'm the tallest girl, my sister, Rachael is next to me, and my little brother, Richard, is the only one left, lol.

go to, my best friend, Kayla's home pager here