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Always Here, For you

When there's no one else in the world,
I'll still be here for you.
No matter what the situation,
My love will always be true.

You can go down those long roads,
And search for clear paths that flow,
But there will always be those forks in the roads,
That make it hard to decide where to go.

You may look for clear waters,
But find swamps full of hurt,
Or instead of green pastures,
You may only find fields composed of dirt.

Just turn around,
When you're in doubt,
And start walking back,
On that same bumpy route.

Because when you come back here,
Back where I stand,
You will be welcomed with open arms,
And I will take your frightened hand.

Try to believe in yourself,
And be wise in your decisions,
But when the going gets tough,
I can help you with your precision.

My heart is where the clear waters
And flowing streams are,
Know that it's not too distant to come back,
It's never too far.

My love is endless for you,
And will help clean up your clouded mind.
When you're looking for comfort,
I will be whom you find.

So wherever you go on your journey,
Whether it be perfect or blue,
When there's no one in the world,
I'll still be here for you.



~Rebecca Hicks June 19th, 2002

Turning to Him

I don't know how to begin,
There's just so much to say,
So I'll start with what my heart speaks,
And try to express it in the same sort of way.

I have this need to be loved,
Just to have someone by my side,
I want someone I can love,
Who can help level out my pride.

I want more than a boyfriend,
I want one who could also be my best friend, you could say.
My problem is I don't know where to find one,
"Please Lord send me in the right direction," I pray.

Am I too young to have one?
I am only 15,
But I think I'm strong enough for one,
Anyway, I'm almost 16.

All I can do is wait,
For that special someone, for now,
And I know I'll find someone,
I'll find him somehow.

In reality I don't need one,
Because I already have all I need,
He is the Lord, Jesus Christ,
And I am His little seed.

I was put here on Earth,
To be watered and grow,
And I'm off to show the world,
About this God I know.

As I pass on the good news,
And I pray for what my heart is yearning,
My Lord will provide,
And to Him I will be forever turning.

I love you God

~Rebecca Hicks June 20th, 2002
Father's Day June 16th, 2002

Hello there daddy,
Or should it be daddy-o?
Ya, it'd sound better that way,
It doesn't really matter though.

Right now I'm writing you a poem,
I hope it's not too dumb,
But if you think it is,
I think I'm gonna have to kick your bum.

I'm just kidding dad,
You know I'd only sock you in the head,
But you'd probably do the same to me,
Because right now I'm not in bed.

So let's just settle this,
Over a quick little talk,
If I get to bed soon,
Promise you won't look at my poem and mock.

Ok, that's pretty corny,
But why should I care?
This IS poetry after all,
It's supposed to have that little flare.

There I go again,
I'm off the subject,
What I'm really here to say,
Is that, today, your weird humor we won't reject.

You can laugh as much as you want,
And share special moments and time,
Because after all it is Father's Day,
With that line what should I rhyme?

Daddy, or was it daddy-o?
I love you with all of my heart,
Because you've taught me ALMOST all that I know,
And have been here for me from the start.

Whenever I'm sad,
All I have to do,
Is think of the times we've shared,
Or maybe just think of you.

Even though you might be a bit psycho,
With your view on how my life should be,
I do take SOME of it into consideration,
Well, we'll see.

Father, remember that I'm always here for you,
Even though I'm just your daughter,
But you're more than just an adult with rules to me,
You're my father.

We all love you, Daddy,
No matter what you may think or say,
So let your smile shine and loosen up a little,
Because you deserve a little break on Father's Day.

~~~~Mother's Day, May 12th, 2002~~~~

You are so beautiful,
Just your presence will brighten a room,
There is nothing else like you,
Your love will forever bloom.

Without you I'd be nothing,
I don't even think I'd survive,
But with you everything is so perfect,
And I'm so thankful I'm alive.

With you my world is special,
Because you have that certain touch,
You can make being bored fun,
Mommy, to me you mean so much.

Every night I think about you,
Before I go to bed,
And I can't wait to wake up,
Just to kiss you on your forehead.

I will always love you, my best friend,
Nothing will ever change this,
And the last thing, I'll ever do,
Is say "I love you" with a kiss.

I love you Mom



Every night I lie awake in bed,
A million thoughts going through my mind,
I wonder if I'm going to even make it to the next day,
Or look for some problem I can bind.

My day flashes before my eyes,
Some is good with laughter and messing around,
But in other parts I'm alone,
Realizing there's a hole in the heart I surround.

I try to predict what my dreams will be,
Usually about what I truly want, that could only be in a dream,
For I want to live in a dream world,
Where all of my enemies would be on the same team.

But all my dreams do is make me confused,
Because they're just fiction after all,
I might feel like the best in the world there,
Only to return to reality, just to take another fall.

I know there is something out there,
Making me feel so weak and so hurt,
But I can't find what it is yet,
So, with my heart, it continues with its torturous flirt.

When I'm alone I'm always thinking,
Even as I'm typing away right now,
But I'm so overwhelmed with what isn't going on,
That I can't catch up with what is, some how.

I think about what life is,
And what it's going to be,
But then I think about what it won't,
And will never be.

But still, every night, I lie awake,
Trying to solve life's mystery,
And hopefully one day I won't frown because it's just a dream,
But smile because I have dreamt up my history.

June 1st, 2002
~Rebecca Hicks