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My Life is a Game

Why do I have to feel this way?
I'm always so upset.
I'm trying so hard to get away,
But nothing's happened yet.

My life has turned into the same thing,
Over and over again,
If it's already happened,
Why must I go through it another time then?

How many times can my heart be broken?
Why should it be more than once?
I'm merely a teenager,
Yet I feel like I've been through many more months.

It's like a little game being played,
With the condition of my pain,
Sometimes I'm so happy and lively,
But in just a moment I can go insane.

Something is making me feel this way,
Did I do something wrong?
What did I do to deserve this all?
Why must I feel this for so long?

I just want a life that I can live,
Without so much hurt and anger,
And sometimes it all makes me feel so lonely,
I want to be the one of my life who's the re-arranger.

People think they can help,
By just saying they hope I get better,
But instead they do things to make it worse,
Leaving my cheeks even wetter.

One day I will show the world,
That the devil cannot get to me.
I will make my life better,
And will set my saddened soul free.

Anger is more than just feeling,
It's the action it causes in so many lives,
But hopefully one day I'll conquer it all,
And live in happiness before I die.

April 18th, 2002

Life is a Death Sentence

Life is a death sentence,
Something that can't be stopped.
It has happened to everyone who has lived,
And will continue till everyone else has dropped.

People can prevent anything,
Besides this one exception.
They will travel through life
Trying to keep their sentence out of their perception.

If they really want,
They can avoid eating, drinking or even sleeping.
And they can choose whether or not,
They want to keep on weeping.

They may choose to end their life
By committing the worst crime of all.
Because they don't let themselves,
Get back up from where they fall.

Life is precious,
I will not think of it as free,
Because it's the only real thing,
That can't be given back to me.

There are walking bodies,
Dead souls, yet still alive.
There is still the hope
That they will live past their sentence, if they strive.

There is hope to live forever,
Even if you're physically gone,
But when your sentence is over,
With the Lord, a new morning will dawn.

~Reba Hicks April 22nd, 2002

If My Mom Died Today

If my mom died today,
There would be nothing else for me to say.

I'd have no more strength in me,
No more strength for me to see.

I'd have no way to talk,
No way to walk.

I'd be so weak,
I wouldn't speak.

If I lost my mom today,
In this world it would be so hard to stay.

Everything that made me great,
Would be lost because of her terrible fate.

She is my life,
To my father, a wonderful wife.

To my siblings she loves so much,
To her friendships no one could ever touch.

My mother is my best friend,
One friendship I hope will never end.

But if my mom died today,
"I hope you take me soon, Lord" is what I'd pray.

~Rebecca Anne Hicks April 27th, 2002