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Hey everyone, here are more of my poems. Enjoy!!!

  The Classroom
The classroom,
Filled with laughter and jokes,
Children learning with friends,
They're searching for new hopes.

Reading their books,
Occasionally looking to the side,
It's like a small wound up world,
With different levels of pride.

There's the joker,
Who makes jokes out of nothing at all,
He's the class clown,
And is constantly dropping the ball.

The good student,
With always a listening ear,
He never does wrong,
And does every problem without fear.

The occasional gossiping girl,
With always something to say,
It might be about someone too tall or skinny,
Or making fun of someone in some other way.

A teacher's pet,
Is always to be found,
They act like they're the best in the class,
With the teacher tightly wound.

A lot of the time,
A "popular" kids comes out of the blue,
He thinks he's the highest of the all,
When really he only has a nice hair doo.

But most of all there are the students,
Who are just there to learn and go,
They're the ones who end up like us,
What little integrity we all show.

These children wake up,
For school almost every day,
The go and do their work,
And go home to just forget it all and play.

In the real world there are the actors,
Who used to be the jokers,
And good students,
Who are now the Congress voters.

The constantly talking gossiping girls,
Are now quiet with few friends,
And the teachers' pets,
Are the lawyers who find rules to bend.

And worst of all are the "popular" kids,
Who are now the drugged out and poor,
And what keeps this world running till this day,
Are the students who show up, get there job done, and will be here forever more.

~Rebecca Hicks
mid February, 2002

(just thought I'd throw this in here)
  Each Day Would Be Her Last

Each day she wakes up,
She gets dressed and eats and completes her routine,
With a smile on her face and love in her heart,
She strides into school keeping a promised dream.

She walks to her usual crowd,
Puts down her old and warn out backpack,
She greets her friends and asks how they are,
And tries to give people what they lack.

With open arms,
She comforts her friends,
She cheers them up and makes them laugh,
And jokes around about the new trends.

When a friend is in trouble,
Never fear, because she is on the way,
She'll do anything she can to help,
And give them back their day.

This might result in a twisted ankle
Or bruised knee,
She'll sacrifice her own health,
To set their anger free.

Just to make them laugh,
She would not hesitate,
She would fall in the middle of a crowd,
Or crash into a gate.

She wanted to live her life without regrets,
And with this dream she must keep alive,
For one day when it happens,
She'll go willingly when she dies.

Ever since her friend died,
Not too long ago,
With the haunting thought that her loved ones,
Would be the next ones to go.

She made a promise to herself
That every day she would try,
Each day would be the last,
She will live this way until she dies.

This day she wakes up,
And strolls into school with her new cast,
But she smiles anyway and asks how her friends are,
Because this day is beautiful, and this day may be her last.

~Becky Hicks March 25th, 2002

isn't this lovely?
  My Choice

I know this guy,
He has a nice smile and voice,
He's the one who's always on my mind,
And if I could pick anyone then he'd be my choice.

He'd be my choice to spend my time with,
To experience new things,
The one I'd chose to give my heart and love,
The one of my dreams.

Sometimes I just want to be with him,
With no one else around,
Just to get to know him better,
And enjoy what I've found.

But what I'm scared about,
Is what's happening to me,
I think I'm beginning to love him,
And I don't know what his response will be.

I know this guy,
The one I chose to care for,
And no matter what happens between us,
I will love him forever more.

~Becca Hicks 3/29/02

High School Years

These are the years,
That you shouldn't ever forget,
You will go through a lot of things,
Some you may later regret.

You'll make tons of friends,
And find new hobbies for fun,
But you'll also go through a lot of hard times,
Wondering if they'll ever be over and done.

You might be tempted,
To do some pretty stupid things,
And you might actually do them,
Because of the respect it brings.

But think of this: the choices you make will affect you,
No matter what you say,
They could ruin your life,
Or bring you down in another way.

Be wise in what you do,
Because these are your only High School years,
What you choose to do will stay with you forever,
So do things you will later want to be reminded of instead of fear.

~Rebecca Hicks April 13th, 2002