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A Pool of Tears
My heart is falling apart
As I am sitting here,
And now I feel something rolling down my cheek,
It's nothing but another tear.

The pictures are sitting there,
More dust collecting every day,
My heart belonged to those illustrated,
When it was only meant to be taken away.

The thoughts of when I was happy
Come to my mind once more,
But all they ever do,
Is make me wanna hate those I actually adore.

People shoot insults at me,
While I try dodging them with much fear,
But it hits me right in the heart,
Like a painful and deadly spear.

I'm now going under,
Sitting here,
Dying slowly,
I'm drowning in my own tears.

For what will make this pain go away?
Will anything save me?
The only answer I know is the son of God,

I try to lift my head up,
Straining to look Him in the eyes,
But His glory is too powerful,
And in happiness I begin to cry.

My fears have been washed away now,
Not in my tears but in His,
I can hold my head up high,
What an awesome feeling it is.

I have nothing to be hurt about any longer,
Nothing but the sorrow I have for those without Him,
Praying for one day the devil will be destroyed,
And no more will follow in sin.

And the pain,
Once tearing at my heart,
Is now used as proof
That with the Lord a new life will start.

~Rebecca Anne Hicks November 30th, 2001

Death is Not the End
I wrote a poem for Danny,
A few days ago,
I thought it'd help the pain,
It really didn't though.

This time I'm not crying,
Tears aren't going down my face,
But in my mind,
I'm wishing for some grace.

It boggles my mind,
And confuses my heart,
He was alive six days ago,
And away from us he had to part.

"How strange is this?"
I'm asking myself non-stop,
That question is clouding my mind,
It's filled with hurt to the top.

I just can't believe,
That he'd be gone just like that,
The last time I was talking to him,
I was probably calling him a brat.

I didn't think,
That that would be the last time,
I can still remember his voice,
Every word was a rhyme.

He used to make me laugh,
I'd have fun with him,
He was a good friend to me and Kayla,
But since I've seen him, a while it's been.

I remember falling down,
Just to make his day,
I feel like going to heaven soon,
"Just to see Danny," I say.

I'll end another poem,
Once more,
This time I'll really say good bye,
I love you Danny and now I'm going to try closing the door.

January 3rd, 2002
  Shutting the Door
My heart aches of loss,
To an unimaginable point,
Everything is in pain,
Down to every muscle and joint.

This time I have something,
To really cry about,
I've lost a friend of mine,
And in anger I begin to shout:

"I knew this kid for a while, God,
He was a friendly guy,
I haven't seen him for a while,
And I heard that he just died!"

"Why didn't I get to see him one last time?
Why did you take him away?
How could you do this to his family?
What did I ever do wrong or say?"

Tears are streaming down my face,
Traveling the speed of a river on slope,
They're breaking over rocks and trees,
I feel like I've lost all hope.

Then a sudden thought,
Burst into my saddened soul,
There is something to be thankful for,
This boy lived his life to the fullest, never dull.

"Thank you Lord"
I pray, as a tear wets my cheek,
"This boy was strong,
you couldn't say he was weak."

"Now he's with his father,
Who he lost a year ago,
And everything is healed,
And I'm thankful that I know."

"I'm secure to know,
That he is safe with thee,
And one day I'll see him,
When you take me."

I love you Danny

January 6th, 2002

I'm Human
~I've hurt many people with the things I say, I know my persistence in trying to get to know someone has turned them away for I lack not giving people enough space, but I'm human, and humans need attention and love back.

~I might not be as wise as the three wise men, or have the courage of Jesus to stand up for what I believe in 100% of the time, but I'm human, and humans have flaws in their personalities.

~I might not be perfect, but who is?

~Have you tried walking on water lately?

~I know who I am.

~I am a young adult, a sister, a daughter, and a friend.

~I love the Lord.

~I'm human and I'm Rebecca Hicks.

Mid-November 2001

Turning His Cheek Saved the World
In the Bible it says,
To turn the other cheek,
But what does that really mean?
To never stand up and speak?

I've been through many trials,
In these past years,
A lot of them have been hard,
Causing uncountable tears.

For some reason I always let people,
Walk all over me,
But I thought it was right,
Even if it caused me to bleed.

Aren't I supposed to be forgiving,
Even though it might result,
In a lot of pain for me?

I'm tired of being used as a mat,
For people to wipe their feet on,
But I will stand the dirt,
And will hold people up till I'm gone.

I'm in a difficult position,
To decide whether I should be strong or not,
But I'll do anything I can,
And be obedient with what I've got.

So if you ever need someone,
To guide your steps and hold your hand,
I'll be here to take all of your troubles,
And I'll help you grasp this land.

Like the Lord I will be here for you,
To always talk to and tell me your fears,
I will comfort you and take it in,
And as your friend I will help you with your tears.

So I guess turning the other cheek,
And always listening does have its good side,
Because the world was saved and we're all living,
When a strong man turned the other cheek and died.

~Rebecca Hicks January 25th, 2002

Go here to see other poems by different authors

I'll Be More Brave
A smile turned upside down,
Is on my face,
As I look up to heaven,
I beg for some grace.

Forever I will feel,
Guilty of this sin,
No matter what I do,
It will stay deep within.

That girl,
Lying in that grave,
Took her own life out of anger,
Why couldn't she have been more brave?

I could have shown her,
What a real friend was like,
And talked to those who tormented her,
Before they verbally striked.

She was mocked and laughed at,
Because she was over weight,
She couldn't handle it anymore,
Leaving death as her fate.

And now I stand here,
Taking all of this in,
My tears are building up,
I'm forever cursed with this sin.

The actions I did not take,
Make me feel ashamed,
I didn't even take the time,
To ask her her name.

All dressed in black I stand,
Looking into her grave,
From now on I'll be more human,
I'll be more brave.

December 9th, 2001

Left Behind
Once again I have this feeling,
That I've been left behind,
Someone is leaving me to move somewhere else,
This someone is a best friend of mine.

While she moves on with her life,
I'm stuck here all upset,
I couldn't even stand her absence for a day,
From the first time we met.

She doesn't understand,
That things won't be the same,
"We'll always talk to each other,"
"This isn't the end of the game."

I want it to be that way,
I really do,
But how is that possible,
If we'll only see each other every week or two?

I won't be seeing her every day,
We won't be going everywhere,
But she still believes we will stay the same,
She always ends it with "I swear."

I just wish nothing would change,
So I wouldn't be so mad,
But this is how life goes,
And it's not up to her, but to her dad.

I don't think I should be so mad,
It isn't her fault,
I'm going to try to calm down,
My anger will have to halt.

So I guess it's good,
In a kind of strange way,
Now all I have to do,
Is find some friends who will stay.

~Becca Hicks January 13th, 2002