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My Info and shoutouts

5-4-02 pics

3/10/2002 pics

Pics from the end of '01

a variety of pics from '00 to '02

funny pics

Just pics of me messin' around

Poems from Mid-Nov '01 to Jan 25th '02

Poems from Mid-Feb to April 13th '02

Poems from April 18th through 27th '02

Poems from May 12th to June 20th '02

Guest Book (feel free to sign)

Random Things

Hi everyone. my name Rebecca, but most people call me Becca or Becky. I love my family and friends, and spend most of my time with them. I love acting (which I've been doing in my church since I was 11). I'm 16 right now (my birthday is on August 12th), and I'm in 9th grade. I didn't fail any grades or anything, but when I was younger the doctors thought I had a brain tumor, when really I was legally blind in my right eye (which means I can't see out of it when I have both eyes open, and when I only have it open it gets pretty blurry). I love music and listen to it constantly. I have aol instant messenger and I'm on it constantly, so IM me anytime. My s/n is becca81286. late, (you filthy animal..... j/k).


My Family
I am cursed with an evil family of five. j/k. I have two loving parents, and three loving, yet evil (this time not j/k hahaa) siblings. My parents' names are Robin and Burt, and their first kid is Robert.... get it? Rob-bert? Except with an "e" instead of a "u"... hahahahahaa...... um, ya. He's 17 years old and is also going to Canyon. He's in 12th grade and I consider him one of my best friends. Then comes me, and u already know stuff about me... so.. moving on. My younger (and only) sister, Rachael, is 13 years old. Her b-day is 8 days before me (August 4th), and we share a room (so I probably know her the best out of anyone). She's a very unique individual... quiet at school, and VERY psycho and weird at home (no offense Rachael, but it's true). She goes to Sierra Vista Jr. High and is in 8th grade. Next year she'll be going to school with me at Canyon, after Robert has graduated. And last, but not least... well... no, not least, is Richard, my 11 year old brother. He's in Skyblue Elementary School (still... hahahaaha), but will be graduating in June. He'll be going to Sierra Vista. He is also very unique. He's animated ALL the time, which gets REALLY annoying, but I love him anyway. Well, there you have it... there's my family. Aren't you lucky you're not in it? j/k.

My Fwends
TO KAYLA:hello sir (just cuz u said not to). naw, I'm just kidding kayla. well, anyways, I wanted to thank you (again, not AGAIN) for being my best friend. I'm STILL mad at you for spitting in my beautiful (ya right) hair in fourth grade. you know what I'll always rememebr though? STEALING MR. HARRIS' MARKERS!!! Mwa ha ah aha ha aha. that was fun. I miss him though. I also miss Mrs. Chin (still pronounced "Chen"), she was my favorite teacher. Thanks for being my friend right now and have been since second grade (7 1/2) years now). But anyways, you know I'm here for you, and hopefully you and I will always be best friends not only through the rest of highschool, but into our adulthood (that is if Trayc doesn't steal you away from me). Well, I think I've spent enough (if not too much) time on you already (you know I'm just kiddin, right?). I'll talk to you later (actually sooner), k? See ya!
~Becca ~*BFF*~
PS. Don't worry Kayla, we'll get through this together, Danny is in a better place with his dad, so be happy about that. He's want us to be happy for that reason, and he'd want us to move on. I love you (and so does Danny:-))!!

Hello sammy!! Thank you for always making me laugh. I love talking to you and (when I can) seeing you. I'm really glad I know you and I hope to get closer to you as the years go by. I can't wait to see you again. I love you!!
Love, Becky

Danny, I have been thinking about you non-stop because I miss you so much. I wish you could see how much you were really loved and cared about. I will always miss you, and there will always be that place in my heart that I saved for you. Your family is in my prayers. I'll watch out for them for you. I love you!!!! See you in Heaven one day!!

David, I wanted to let you know how much you mean to me. I don't even think u'll come into this profile, so I wouldn't know if you'd see this. But anyways, i'll always love you for being you. You're very unique and everything about you makes me want to be like you (well, alomst everything.... j/k). Thanks for cheering me up about Danny, you've helped a lot. I'm glad to know that there will always be someone for me to call just to talk or to help me with someone.... you. You make me feel like I can tell you anything. Thank you. I love you.
PS. remember, you're moving in with me and my family, lol, right? oh ya, and HONEY IS GROSSSSSSS

Hey everyone. I wanted to thank all of you guys for being my friend. You have also given me a great life. Thank you John (ewww, U2 j/k), Kayla (hello my little wench), Kristin (you're the sweetest person I've EVER met), Liz (thank you for beng my friend for such a LONG time), David (I'm glad I know you), Trayc (now look what u did u little jerk), Sean (u r such a nerd!!), Chad (I promise you, that wasn't me on the voicemail), Hannah (you're very sweet... keep spreading the Lord's love), John (mrs. Shultz is evil), Mike (I hope you don't hate me cuz I don't hate you), Melissa (hey dude!! what's up?!?!), Nate (u jump really high dude), Justin (UK rules!! welcome to USA!!), Shin (feel better about Chrissy and Robert and Sheldon), Pat (doot), Adam (stop abusing our kids), Sam (I love you!!), Kireen (ur very sweet. I love you!!), James (hey dork, what's up?), Andy (my fellow 9th grader, j/k), Jamie (lol, I love you jamie!!), Nomi (hey nerd!!), Cory (u r sooo evil), David (the other one who hates me), Corey (Batie... don't throw backacks at me anymore!!), Eden (no more classes together), Pam (ur awesome!!), Cole (i never get to talk to you anymore), Steph (hey dude, what's up?), Ozzie (I love you!! thanks for being such a great friend).
Danny~I will always love you and I'll see you in heaven one day... RIP!
Sheesh, that was a LOT of people!! Oh well, it was worth it. I love you guys from the bottom of my heart. If your name isn't there, I guess that means that, I DON'T love you!! j/k, I prolly skipped it in my mind while I was thinking of everyone. But anyways, if I missed you, you know I love you, ok? I'll talk to you guys later. Late.

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